Projects By Product: Report

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives use a collaborative approach to identify landscape scale conservation solutions. LCCs work across jurisdictional and political boundaries to work with partners to: meet unfilled conservation needs, develop decision support tools, share data and knowledge, and facilitate and foster partnerships.

As part of a shared science strategy, LCCs coordinate closely with the National Climate Change and Wildlife Center and the eight regional Climate Science Centers.

The Cascadia Partner Forum fosters a network of natural resource practitioners working with the Great Northern and North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperatives to build the adaptive capacity of the landscape and species living within it.

A conservation and restoration priorities tool was developed that provides online access to regional information including: climate change projections, watershed condition, freshwater and terrestrial species, forest ecosystem information and invasive species information.

A conservation and restoration priorities tool was developed that provides online access to regional information including: climate change projections, watershed condition, freshwater and terrestrial species, forest ecosystem information and invasive species information.

This project will create a targeted and easily understandable guide to tools that support landscape-level planning in the face of climate change for NPLCC partners. The guide will build on previous NPLCC research on decision support needs with an emphasis on tools currently in use in the region.

The Cascadia Partner Forum fosters a network of natural resource practitioners working with the Great Northern and North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperatives to build the adaptive capacity of the landscape and species living within it.

Twelve expert focus groups convened for comprehensive, cross-disciplinary discussions on climate change effects and adaptation strategies in marine/coastal and freshwater ecosystems across the North Pacific LCC landscape. Challenges and science or tool gaps were also discussed.

A sea level rise vulnerability assessment has been completed for the shorelines of San Juan County Washington.

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida.

This project developed hydrologic projections for diverse wetland habitats (e.g.

A recent (2008-2012) outbreak of Geometrid moths has decimated subsistence berry harvest in South Central Alaska. This project will develop a risk model to predict where subsistence berry plants will be most resistant to Geometrid attack.

The North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project utilized a landscape connectivity simulator (UNICOR) and a genetic simulation program (CDPOP) to model the functional (dispersal and genetic) connectivity in the North Pacific Landscape.

This project used sound science and best management practices in the development and preparation of a coast redwoods for climate change workshop and related field trip involving multiple partners and others.

Fishery and aquatic scientists often assess habitats to understand the distribution, status, threats, and relative abundance of aquatic resources. Due to the spatial nature of habitats and associated temporal changes, using traditional analytical methods is often difficult.

Vernal or seasonal pools are small, temporary bodies of water that can serve as critical habitat for frogs, salamanders, reptiles, invertebrates, and other species.

The Open Space Institute (OSI) disseminated knowledge and tools across the northeast U.S. and the Canadian Maritimes to advance the application of NA LCC data sets for land conservation.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) will facilitate integration of regional science through local land-use decision-making to enhance stewardship of North Atlantic LCC conservation priorities.

Due to the uncertainty of future climatic patterns and species responses, enduring features of the landscape (geophysical settings) are appropriate targets of assessment, planning, and conservation.

Although the importance of landscape connectivity for large-scale conservation planning is widely-appreciated, the use and integration of products resulting from disparate modeling exercises is problematic.

The LCC Performance Measures Project is intended to: Follow the direction of the LCC Performance Measures Working Group; Assess the needs of individual LCCs specific to Performance Measures (PM); Assess the needs of the LCC network specific to PM; Review PM frameworks from natural resource and so

Project goals are to provide LCCs and partners with recommendations of best practices for evaluating aquatic ecological integrity at different landscape scales, identify critical data and needs, and help develop a sustainable, collaborative network around improving integration of assessment produ

Foster cross-boundary integration and synthesis of landscape conservation design efforts across LCCs by 1) identifying opportunities and challenges in alternative methodologies for making individual LCC's design efforts compatible and 2) to implement a pilot effort to demonstrate these '

This project applied sea-level rise (SLR) modeling approaches along the Pacific coast tidal gradient at a parcel scale through improved data collection tools and collaboration relevant to land managers.

The primary objective of the research is to develop a rule-based decision support system to predict the relative vulnerability of nearshore species to climate change.

Classifying estuarine and marine habitats was identified as a priority need for a variety of purposes in the Northeast.

The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) will identify and implement the goals and objectives outlined in CSKT Climate Change Strategic Plan.

The project will establish contact with interested parties in each tribe or first nation within the Crown of the Continent to collect information on all relevant activities and research regarding climate and adaptive management within each tribal nation.

The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) has been working collaboratively with the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service (USFS) to inventory and map current and potential distributions of plant communities which support species of cultural concern on federal la

This project will integrate the shared priorities developed by the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) in the Columbia Plateau ecoregion into implementation mechanisms of existing and new ALI partners.

This project will focus on analysis of 10 years of GPS telemetry data for 60 grizzly bears across the threatened and fragmented trans-border grizzly bear subpopulations in the Cabinet, Yaak, Purcell, and Selkirk Mountain (Proctor et al.

Funded project resulted in 6 publications covering various aspects related to shorebird/grassland bird migration, climate and nesting success in the great plains region.

We developed multi-scale habitat suitability models for black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) in the southwestern Great Plains, corresponding to the western region of the Great Plains LCC.

Within the five states of its range (Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, and Colorado), the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus, LEPC) remains present on sand sagebrush (Artemesia filifolia), mixed- and short- grass prairies of western Kansas and eastern Colorado, through portions

We propose to use long-term fish-population data from a relict reach of the Pecos River, New Mexico to assess population dynamics of imperiled prairie-river minnows, including Arkansas River shiner. Development of viable management strategies requires basic understanding of population ecology.

The potential implications of climate change to fishes in Great Plains rivers and streams could range from drastic shifts in distribution to extirpation.

This project highlights the potential for LCCs to facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and research scientists to plan for the future.

This project highlights the potential for LCCs to facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and research scientists to plan for the future.

Numerous studies show that ongoing climate change will have major effects on the distribution and conservation status of much of our biodiversity.

Numerous studies show that ongoing climate change will have major effects on the distribution and conservation status of much of our biodiversity.

We will develop an approach to identify fire refugia in Rocky Mountain ecosystems of the U.S. and Canada then test the function of refugia for biodiversity conservation under current and future climate/fire scenarios.

This project will support the hiring of a detail position to work with the Geomatics Coordinator to complete current assessments of terrestrial systems focusing on landscape endpoints as described in the GCPO LCC's Integrated Science Agenda, then begin the process of applying species endpoints to

Proposed work will monitor for five years vegetation, fuels, wildlife, insects, and weather at 10 Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project (SageSTEP) sites, all of which have been treated to reduce either juniper encroachment (woodland sites) or cheatgrass invasion (sagebrush/cheatgrass site

This region-wide coordinated bird monitoring program, supported by state, federal, tribal, nongovernmental organizations, and two statewide bird conservation partnerships, is designed to provide spatially-referenced baseline data for science-based biological planning and conservation design for t

Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MTFWP) has been involved with developing a crucial areas statewide Decision Support System (DSS) since 2008 in parallel with activities from the Western Governors Association (WGA).

The GNLCC Multi-dimensional Synthesis is a synthesis of existing information in four categories to promote a common understanding of situation, existing information and information gaps, as well as providing an index of programmatic, resource and other climate and landscape related information fo

This proposal is to deliver the pilot component of a wetland tracking project initiated by the CIJV in 2010.

We propose to work with the Rocky Mountain Partnership Forum to expand upon the successful approach applied in the first two years of this project to help managers incorporate climate change science into their natural resource management decisions for a new resource of interest that will be chose

The Western Governors Association has sponsored an assessment of crucial habitats which will be used for the evaluation of landscape-scale energy, land use, and transportation projects.

The Pacific Region National Wildlife Refuge System developed a strategic approach to identify region-wide land/habitat conservation priorities. This approach was piloted in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion and resulted in a high-level landscape-scale conservation design.

Defenders staff, contractors and Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative partners will build a portal on the Conservation Registry to visualize landscape scale plans and conservation projects that address the priorities of the program.

The Heart of the Rockies Initiative (HOTR), on behalf of its 24 land conservation non-governmental partners, and its federal and state agency partners, seeks a second year of science support to incorporate emerging data on landscape integrity and connectivity, crucial habitats, and climate change