
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives use a collaborative approach to identify landscape scale conservation solutions. LCCs work across jurisdictional and political boundaries to work with partners to: meet unfilled conservation needs, develop decision support tools, share data and knowledge, and facilitate and foster partnerships.

As part of a shared science strategy, LCCs coordinate closely with the National Climate Change and Wildlife Center and the eight regional Climate Science Centers.

The Services goal with this project is to bridge the gap between guidance documents and field staff who develop Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs).

WDFW will use funds provided by the NPLCC to integrate climate change impacts and implications into our State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) Revision.

Research on coastal change in Cook Inlet and South East Alaska has increased rapidly in recent years, making it challenging to track existing projects, understand their cumulative insights, gauge remaining research gaps, and prioritize future work.

Building on currently available resources and on the prior climate adaptation experiences of our team,
which includes tribal staff and a cultural anthropologist who is also an enrolled member of the

Practitioners struggle with how to identify, prioritize, and implement climate adaptation actions
that can effectively reduce vulnerability; these decisions may be more easily made and successfully

The Jamestown SKlallam and Port Gamble SKlallam tribes, and many other tribes in the Pacific
Northwest, rely on ESA listed fish species for subsistence as well as cultural and economic practices.

The State of Alaska has more coastline than the rest of the United States
combined and extends from the high Arctic to the temperate rainforests and marine waters of
Southeast Alaska. Climate change impacts are unique in the Southeast Alaska region and are longer

This project, with funding support by the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative and
partners, will address the need to better understand the impact that climate change will have on our

Background: Yellow-cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) is an economically and culturally important tree of the North Pacific coastal rainforest, ranging from northern California through Southeast Alaska.

The forum will have two major goals:. First, to share the successes and learnings of past LCC investments on the subjects of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, subsistence resources, and climate adaptation plans.

The Lower Columbia River and adjacent coastal regions of Oregon and Washington contain a rich diversity of natural and cultural resources managed by a complex array of tribal sovereign nations, federal/state/local agencies, non-government conservation organizations, landowners, stakeholders and o

This project supported a bi-national workshop bringing together researchers and practitioners from across the range of the NPLCC.

The Tongass National Forest has identified resources that are important to stakeholders and vulnerable to climate-related stressors. Cooperators will review an action plan and convene a workshop to be held in Southeast Alaska in 2016.

The Humboldt Bay-Eel River region may experience the highest rate of relative sea level rise increase along the West Coast. The Project will engage stakeholders to discuss community and science needs for planning and implementing adaptation measures to sea level rise.

WildLinks 2011 Conference brought together transboundary scientists and managers to share information on the latest science , policies, and efforts to address climate adaptation for species and habitats on both sides of the border.

Amphibians and reptiles are experiencing severe habitat loss throughout North America; however, this threat to biodiversity can be mitigated by identifying and managing areas that serve a disproportionate role in sustaining herpetofauna.

This project completed a rapid update for wetland mapping in 162 coastal areas (1:24,000 topographic quadrangles in ME, MD, MA, NJ, NY, PA, and VA) that were last updated prior to 2000.

This multi-LCC project is designed to evaluate delivery of existing courses offered through the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) as “pilots” to enhance expertise needed within the regional context of LCC and Climate Science Center (CSC) communities.

In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved two pilot projects explore approaches to landscape-scale coordination to enhance science-based management across the GNLCC.

The Heart of the Rockies Initiative (HOTR), on behalf of its High Divide Collaborative partners, seeks support to identify and evaluate future landscape configurations that address the needs of local communities while conserving the High Divides unique landscape resources.

The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) is sponsoring the Sage Steppe Partner Forum to help facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and partnerships that share landscape conservation challenges in an eco-geographic context.

The bull trout is an ESA-listed species that relies on cold stream environments across the Northwest and is expected to decline with climate change.

This project is intended to advance wolverine conservation across the Rocky Mountains and North Cascades in the contiguous United States.

Stream temperature data will be compiled from federal and provincial government agencies, as well as other data holders in British Columbia which will be housed in an interagency database.

The White House Council for Environmental Quality has identified two national watersheds to pilot large-scale drought resiliency implementation.

Existing climate change science and guidance for restoring and maintaining whitebark pine forests will be evaluated using landscape simulation modeling to inform implementation of the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (GYCC) Whitebark Pine (WBP) subcommittees WBP Strategy.

In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved two pilot projects explore approaches to landscape-scale coordination to enhance science-based management across the GNLCC.

For the past six years, the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) has funded the USGS to study fish responses to restoration efforts and to construct a model relating stream habitat with fish population dynamics in the Methow River Basin, a tributary of the Columbia River.

Assemble three sets of downscaled climate data (historic) and projections (future) developed by the USGS and the Climate Impacts Group at University of Washington; evaluate data documentation and formatting, and edit or repair as needed; deliver all climate data in a userfriendly format from mirr

The Washington Connected Landscapes Project will provide a framework to address the interacting impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change on ecological systems and wildlife species within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) boundary.

Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)-dominated shrublands are one of the most widespread ecosystems in western North America but also among the most imperiled due to interactions among land use, fire, and exotic plants.

This project will apply the results of an on-going climate change vulnerability assessment to the management of two complex landscapes.

We propose a collaborative project with the USGS, Wyoming State Climate Office, USFWS, USFS, and the NPS whereby we will assemble and maintain long-term records of climate from key stations in and around the Great Northern LCC and subject these records to a rigorous series of QA/QC procedures.

LC MAP, the Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal, allows GNLCC partners to discover, use, develop, manage, and distribute datasets that address LCC priority issues.

This project is part of an ongoing effort to develop and implement a landscape level decision support system (DSS) across the boundaries of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Montana.

We propose an international partnership to facilitate the identification of habitat connectivity conservation opportunities and implementation of connectivity projects in the transboundary area of Washington and British Columbia.

The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWS) strives to maintain ecological diversity and integrity, while sustaining cultural practices, preserving and improving economic development and promoting higher education opportunities to tribal members.

The Yakama Nation Department of Natural Resources is currently developing a department-wide Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP).

Native fish of the Columbia River Basin, and the ecosystems that support them, are an innate and critical part of Nez Perce culture.

Concerns about the influence of climate change on biota have emerged over the past decade, and responses in species populations and distribution patterns have already been documented (Parmesan 1996, Thomas and Lennon 1999).

The purpose of this project was to design a national bat monitoring strategy to be used by State, Provincial, and Federal agencies, Tribes, and other partner organizations to monitor bat populations at various spatial scales.

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) have a critical need for information management processes that facilitate science product (i.e., data, analysis and decision tools, documents) sharing; data storage, security, and dissemination; and project tracking, communication and collaboration tools

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives are public-private partnerships composed of federal, state, and local governments, Tribes and First Nations, non-governmental organizations, universities, interested public and private organizations, international jurisdictions, and others working together to a

This work provides a flexible and scalable framework to assess the impacts of climate change on streamflow and stream temperature within the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NALCC) region.

The assessment of ecological integrity remains a primary component of present-day conservation strategies for freshwater ecosystems, but approaches vary widely in method, scale, efficiency, and sustainability.

The use of digital information to aid in land management decision making has become a standardized practice over the last 20 years.

Hawaiʻi is considered a worldwide biodiversity hotspot, with nearly 90 percent of its native plants found nowhere else in the world. However, about half of these native plants are imperiled by threats including human development, non-native species, and climate change.

Summary  Conduct an objective assessment of the existing programs monitoring climate-sensitive ecological variables (biological and geophysical) in the terrestrial Hawaiian environment, generate a summary for consideration at an expert workshop, participate in the workshop, and summarize the cons

Develop a thorough analysis of the current policies, mandates, institutional relationships and practices that affect decisions and actions by conservation entities in Hawai’i regarding climate change adaptation, and recommendations for potential improvements.