
LCCs have produced a wealth of informational documents, reports, fact sheets, webinars and more to help support resource managers in designing and delivering conservation at landscape scales.

This technical report presents PRBO Conservation Science's (now called Point Blue Conservation Science) development of scenarios of climate change impacts on tidal marsh vegetation and bird species from 2010-2110 based on low or high rates of sea level rise (0.52 or 1.65 m in 100 yr) and low or high suspended sediment availability.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The Central Valley of California is one of the most important regions for wintering waterbirds in North America despite extensive anthropogenic landscape modification and decline of historical wetlands there. Like many other mediterranean-climate ecosystems across the globe, the Central Valley has been subject to a burgeoning human population and expansion and intensification of agricultural and urban development that have impacted wildlife habitats.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The amount and quality of natural resources available for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife habitats are expected to decrease throughout the world in areas that are intensively managed for urban and agricultural uses. Changes in climate and management of increasingly limited water supplies may further impact water resources essential for sustaining habitats. In this report, we document adapting a Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) system model for the Central Valley of California.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

We sampled 187 adult or sub-adult Belding’s ground squirrels at 15 sites across California from Modoc County to the southern Sierra Nevada from 2003 to 2011, with the majority of samples obtained in 2010 and 2011. Ground squirrels were trapped in Sherman or Tomahawk Live Traps. Genetic samples were collected through an ear snip or from a liver biopsy during preparation of museum skins. DNA was extracted using standard methods and amplified using ten polymorphic microsatellite loci optimized from protocols developed based on other sciurid species.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This guidance document and webinar provide information about the CA LCC method for creating and updating a Data Management Plan for CA LCC-funded projects. A Data Management Plan is a document that describes the data produced by a project and the way those resources will be stored, documented, and if and how they will be shared for use by others. Data Management Plans are required of all CA LCC-funded projects.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The goal of the North-central California Coast and Ocean Climate-Smart Adaptation Project is to collaboratively develop and implement adaptation actions in response to, and in preparation for, climate change impacts on habitats, species and ecosystem services (termed focal resources). Vulnerability to climate and non-climate stressors was assessed for select focal resources in the region during Phase 1 of the project through two decision-support workshops.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

In 2006, the Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida called for an identification of those lands and waters in the state that are critical to the conservation of Florida's natural resources. In response, the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission collaborated to produce CLIP - the Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project. CLIP is now being used to inform planning decisions by the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative, coordinated by the U.S.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

In 2006, the Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida called for an identification of those lands and waters in the state that are critical to the conservation of Florida's natural resources. In response, the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission collaborated to produce CLIP - the Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Standards for project metadata and support documentation for the 22 LCCs to create the metadata were developed by the CA LCC Data Managers under contract by the LCC National Office as part of the effort to create the Simple National Project Catalog database. The resulting database provided a single national source for information to date on all projects funded by the 22 individual LCCs and the national office, and a tool for reviewing these projects, for purposes of national-level management and presenting summaries of this information to Congress.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This section of the Climate Commons is dedicated to web pages and data management plans for the CA LCC-funded projects. The purpose is to deliver the scientific products resulting from the CA LCC-funded applied research projects for use by the intended audience, California's natural resource managers.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Guidance for incorporating climate change into conservation and restoration strategies was provided in two Climate-Smart Actions for Natural Resource Managers workshops hosted by the Bay Area Ecosystem Climate Change Consortium (BAECCC, and sponsored by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative, California Coastal Conservancy, and The Nature Conservancy on November 29, 2012 and September 24, 2013. Materials from both of these workshops are presented in this webpage, presented on the CA LCC's Climate Commons.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The science focus of the PFLCC is to enhance conservation planning in Florida by investigating many possible trajectories of future landscape transformation. Conservation Science is prospective in nature because it examines changing assumptions, vulnerability to stressors, uncertainty and risk. These factors can be expressed as models or combined into alternative future scenarios. Based on initial efforts started with Everglades restoration, we have developed scenarios for the entire state of Florida.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Develop a customized, simple interactive viewer for PFLCC’s conservation data.
Collaborate closely with PFLCC staff to determine scope and priorities for futureimprovements to the viewer.
Assist PFLCC staff in piloting use of Data Basin to support data sharing andcollaboration within the system.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Innovative Conservation incentives beyond easements and fee simple purchase are needed for conservation in Florida. In east central Florida, citrus farm owners and agencies have developed a method of storing additional water on shallow citrus groves called water farming. This water storage will help remove harmful point source discharges to the Indian River Lagoon. In support of the development and implementation of wildlife regulatory assurance for Dispersed Water Management (DWM) projects in the Northern Everglades, especially for Water Farmers in the St.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC has recently completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida. This represents the first statewide effort to assess likely alternative futures for conservation considering an array of financial, biological, climatological and urbanistic conditions. These spatially explicit and temporal scenarios simulate both urban growth and climate change and identify the most suitable areas for conservation given the resulting land use pattern. Conservation allocations are based on both fee-title and conservation easements.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project will conduct a synthesis of marine spatial data. An OPS staff will be hired to work with marine/coastal experts – to develop a Technical Advisory Group and gather data and input on the processes used in the marine assessment. Additionally, this project will identify key inland (terrestrial and freshwater) areas that currently have or may have in the future direct and indirect impacts on the health of the marine environment.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This simple interface is designed to help inform conservation decisions by allowing you to explore a suite of data layers and models. You’ll find information on priority natural resources, biodiversity richness, landscape connectivity and integrity, surface waters and factors contributing to potential landscape change (sea level rise, urban development).

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project utilizes projected visualization of land cover conditions for the state of Florida at three future time periods. Simulated projected future conditions also vary by patterns in development, levels and types of conservation, and sea level rise. These visualized scenarios afford the opportunity to examine a range of possible outcomes for land use and land cover, and use these scenarios to evaluate the impacts on potential habitat distributions for focal species. For this project, focal species were centered within the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and impacts.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Climate change has become a serious threat across the U.S. and nowhere in the U.S. is this more evident than in the potential impacts to the species inhabiting the low-lying Florida Keys. Over 30 threatened, endangered, candidate and at-risk species occur in the Florida Keys. Developing and implementing adaptation strategies is a critical part of planning for the survival of these unique species. A systematic and programmatic look at the threats, species and their habitats in the Florida Keys will leverage existing resources.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Refinement of Gopher Tortoise Habitat Identification and Related Land Cover Data.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Refinement of Gopher Tortoise Habitat Identification and Related Land Cover Data.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Climate change has become a serious threat across the U.S. and nowhere in the U.S. is this more evident than in the potential impacts to the species inhabiting the low-lying Florida Keys. Over 30 threatened, endangered, candidate and at-risk species occur in the Florida Keys. Developing and implementing adaptation strategies is a critical part of planning for the survival of these unique species. A systematic and programmatic look at the threats, species and their habitats in the Florida Keys will leverage existing resources.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Conservation planning, the process of deciding how to protect, conserve, enhance and(or) minimize loss of natural and cultural resources, is a fundamental process to achieve conservation success in a time of rapid environmental change. Conservation targets, the measurable expressions of desired resource conditions, are an important tool in biological planning to achieve effective outcomes.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Refinement of Gopher Tortoise Habitat Identification and Related Land Cover Data.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Modeling with HAZUS for three counties to be selected by Steve Traxler and Paul Zwick including base storm surge and storm surge with sea level rise a variety of maps for storm planning. The counties selected were, Bay, Brevard, and Hillsborough. The work was done in conjunction with Storm Protection analysis.
HAZUS modeling was further done for St. Lucie County, and Franklin to Hernando counties.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The FWC has been heavily involved in contributing to and shaping the three LCC’s that include Florida, with special emphasis on the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative (PFLCC), which falls entirely within the state of Florida.Substantialresources from multiple partners will be required to establish and maintain the PFLCC.FWC will partner with the Service and through this Cooperative Agreement will work in collaboration with the Service to assume roles and responsibilities of the Science Coordinator and Communication Coordinatorfor the PFLCC.The activities included in the S

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project is designed to develop a spatial database to track prescribed burns conducted in Florida. The contract recipient will build a spatial database of no less than 10 years of previous prescribed fires (2006-2016), identified by the Florida Forest Service (FFS) burn permit database. The spatial database will be built upon existing spatial fire databases, particularly the Department of Defense (DoD) burn database implemented at Air Force bases in Florida.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Refinement of Gopher Tortoise Habitat Identification and Related Land Cover Data.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Modeling with HAZUS for three counties to be selected by Steve Traxler and Paul Zwick including base storm surge and storm surge with sea level rise a variety of maps for storm planning. The counties selected were, Bay, Brevard, and Hillsborough. The work was done in conjunction with Storm Protection analysis.
HAZUS modeling was further done for St. Lucie County, and Franklin to Hernando counties.

This presentation illustrates storm surge modeling for Bay County Florida as an example of inundation impacts.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The PFLCC and Florida’s State Wildlife Action Plan have goals in common including working with partners to develop shared priorities, working at the landscape scale, developing conservation targets to monitor progress of species and habitat conservation efforts, and providing a forum for dialogue about the most important actions to take to conserve Florida’s natural and cultural resources. Partnering in these initiatives will achieve greater results for wildlife and habitat conservation in Florida.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Conservation planning, the process of deciding how to protect, conserve, enhance and(or) minimize loss of natural and cultural resources, is a fundamental process to achieve conservation success in a time of rapid environmental change. Conservation targets, the measurable expressions of desired resource conditions, are an important tool in biological planning to achieve effective outcomes.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has been heavily involved in contributing to and shaping the three LCC’s that include Florida, with special emphasis on the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative (PFLCC), which falls entirely within the state of Florida. Substantial resources from multiple partners will be required to establish and maintain the PFLCC.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project entails creation and refinement of the conservation targets for the terrestrial Priority Resources for the Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Potential Conservation Targets were developed through stakeholder Workshops held throughout the State of Florida in 2016/2017. Lists of potential CTs were generated through brainstorming and general discussion and stakeholders ranked the final list for suitability for using as a measure of Priority Resource health.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project utilizes projected visualization of land cover conditions for the state of Florida at three future time periods. Simulated projected future conditions also vary by patterns in development, levels and types of conservation, and sea level rise. These visualized scenarios afford the opportunity to examine a range of possible outcomes for land use and land cover, and use these scenarios to evaluate the impacts on potential habitat distributions for focal species. For this project, focal species were centered within the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and impacts.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Modeling with HAZUS for three counties (Brevard, Bay, and Hillsborough) to be selected by Steve Traxler and Paul Zwick including base storm surge and storm surge with sea level rise to produce products as listed below. Later, HAZUS modeling was added for St. Lucie County, and Franklin to Hernando Counties.
a. Base 100 year storm surge analysis with summaries at the parcel level
a. Produce maps and tabular data for the scenario based on:
i. Census block group
ii. Parcels

Date posted: June 23, 2018

* The PFLCC, in conjunction with GeoAdaptive (GA) and Geodesign Technologies (GDT), completed a set of comprehensive conservation planning scenarios for the state of Florida in 2014. The scenarios considered variations in climate change, urban growth, conservation funding, and conservation strategy and were designed using a stakeholder-based process involving both the science advisory board and steering committee of the PFLCC.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Climate change has become a serious threat across the U.S. and nowhere in the U.S. is this more evident than in the potential impacts to the species inhabiting the low-lying Florida Keys. Over 30 threatened, endangered, candidate and at-risk species occur in the Florida Keys. Developing and implementing adaptation strategies is a critical part of planning for the survival of these unique species. A systematic and programmatic look at the threats, species and their habitats in the Florida Keys will leverage existing resources.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project utilizes projected visualization of land cover conditions for the state of Florida at three future time periods. Simulated projected future conditions also vary by patterns in development, levels and types of conservation, and sea level rise. These visualized scenarios afford the opportunity to examine a range of possible outcomes for land use and land cover, and use these scenarios to evaluate the impacts on potential habitat distributions for focal species. For this project, focal species were centered within the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge and impacts.

Date posted: June 23, 2018