
LCCs have produced a wealth of informational documents, reports, fact sheets, webinars and more to help support resource managers in designing and delivering conservation at landscape scales.

A sea level rise vulnerability assessment has been completed for the shorelines of San Juan County Washington. This tool was developed to enhance understanding among land managers, provide a scientific foundation for shoreline management decisions and improve conservation of shoreline processes critical to ecosystem health. This project will create a comprehensive communication strategy that includes improving the model's credibility, researching adaptation strategies, creating decision support tools, and hosting focus meetings.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Streams across the world are highly fragmented due to the presence of in-stream barriers (e.g., dams and stream-road crossings), many of which restrict or block fish passage. Retrofitting or replacing these structures is a high priority for restoring habitat connectivity for native fishes and other aquatic organisms in the Pacific Northwest. The task of restoring habitat connectivity for problematic stream-road crossings is daunting given the many thousands of barriers that are present and the massive financial investments required.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The Quartz Valley Indian Reservation will partner with tribes, federal agencies and higher education institutions in the Klamath Basin on a tribal youth intern program for the summer of 2014. This program will build on current efforts to integrate western science and TEK for climate change planning and adaptation in the Klamath Basin.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Power point presentation from a NPLCC webinar on June 5, 2014 by Nature Serve on landscape level planning tools.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

In-person workshops will be conducted to bring the results from the USGS Program on Coastal Ecosystems Response to Climate Change's study on projected climate change effects on coastal environments (funded by NPLCC and NW CSC) to managers in their communities. The workshops will include presenting initial results, identifying their climate science needs, and introducing a decision-support tool.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The Quartz Valley Indian Reservation will partner with tribes, federal agencies and higher education institutions in the Klamath Basin on a tribal youth intern program for the summer of 2014. This program will build on current efforts to integrate western science and TEK for climate change planning and adaptation in the Klamath Basin.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project will assess impacts of climate change on stream resources by considering the role of thermal heterogeneity and altered hydrologic regimes. The project will look at streams in Washington, Oregon, and California to develop a case study that stream stewards and conservation planners can use to assess vulnerability for Pacific salmon.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project will provide a comprehensive synthesis of beaver recolonization science and techniques for successful reintroduction or population expansion through a thorough, in-depth, coordinated review of all North American beaver-related information, including identification of research gaps and data needs, and recommendations for project implementation. This information will be disseminated through a series of one-day workshops.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project will look at how climate change has altered hydrologic systems, Pacific salmon habitat, and survival of salmon in the Nooksack River watershed. It will develop an adaptation plan that can be adopted and integrated into management plans.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The following report describes a study, conducted by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
(WDFW or the Department) from 2014 to 2016, to explore how climate-related changes to stream
channel morphology could be incorporated into the design of water crossing structures such as culverts.
The Department received a grant from the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC)
that provided essential support for this work. This report fulfills a required deliverable of that grant.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This project will look at how climate change has altered hydrologic systems, Pacific salmon habitat, and survival of salmon in the Nooksack River watershed. It will develop an adaptation plan that can be adopted and integrated into management plans.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Multiple agencies and organizations in southwestern Oregon have made significant progress in collaborative restoration of forest landscapes and in projecting climate change effects and adaptation responses. We will build on these efforts by moving proposed activities forward using a climate-informed framework.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Climate change will likely have significant effects on forest ecosystems worldwide. In dry
Mediterranean regions, such as that in southwestern Oregon, USA, changes will likely be driven
mainly by wildfire and drought. To minimize the negative effects of climate change, resource
managers require tools and information to assess climate change vulnerabilities and to develop
and implement adaptation actions. We developed an approach to facilitate development and
implementation of climate change adaptation options in forest management. This approach,

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The vulnerability of Pacific Lamprey to climate change will be evaluated by using an approach that relies on existing climate change model projections for stream conditions (i.e. hydrograph, temperatures, winter flood events) and lamprey sensitivity to environmental changes due to climate change.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Multiple agencies and organizations in southwestern Oregon have made significant progress in collaborative restoration of forest landscapes and in projecting climate change effects and adaptation responses. We will build on these efforts by moving proposed activities forward using a climate-informed framework.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Multiple agencies and organizations in southwestern Oregon have made significant progress in collaborative restoration of forest landscapes and in projecting climate change effects and adaptation responses. We will build on these efforts by moving proposed activities forward using a climate-informed framework.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Webinar: Integrating Climate Change Into Design & Permitting Of Water Crossing Structures

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The University of Oregon Environmental Studies Program (UO ENVS) is proposing to work with the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative in support of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project, which is aimed at building an understanding of the impacts that climate change may have on American Indian and Alaska Native tribal culture and sovereignty.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Protecting and restoring ecological connectivity is a leading climate adaptation strategy for
biodiversity conservation (Heller & Zavaleta 2009, Lawler 2009), because species are expected
to have difficulty tracking shifting climates across fragmented landscapes (Thomas et al. 2004).
Connectivity conservation is thus a primary focus of numerous large-scale climate adaptation
initiatives (e.g., U.S. Department of Interior’s Landscape Conservation Cooperatives), and a core

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The Tongass National Forest has identified resources that are important to stakeholders and vulnerable to climate-related stressors. Cooperators will review an action plan and convene a workshop to be held in Southeast Alaska in 2016. The workshop will foster collaboration between scientists, managers, and stakeholders. Workshop goals include:

Date posted: June 23, 2018

A "gateway" using Data Basin technology has been developed to serve the data integration, collaboration and outreach needs of the NPLCC. The gateway will continue to be a customized interface of the Data Basin platform that includes special branding, curation of spatial content, and direct links to selected sites in support of projects funded by and for the NPLCC . Conservation Biology Institute will add to the "gateway" a spatial data visualization tool to showcase priority data from the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Webinar for by Meade Krosby, UW, July 24, 2014

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) is a large dabbling duck that breeds in a variety of wetland types in northeastern North America and winters in wetlands along the Atlantic coast.For the non-breeding season, it has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use estuarine and freshwater coastal marsh and open water.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

Research on coastal change in Cook Inlet and South East Alaska has increased rapidly in recent years, making it challenging to track existing projects, understand their cumulative insights, gauge remaining research gaps, and prioritize future work. The project proposed here will identify existing coastal change research in Cook Inlet and Southeast Alaska, and synthesize each projects focus, approach, and findings.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated 02/2017. The revised version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, DSLland Version 3.1, developed by UMass, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset is one of a suite of products from the Nature’s Network project ( Nature’s Network is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conservation in the Northeast, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural areas they inhabit. Brook Trout probability of occurrence is intended to provide predictions of occupancy (probability of presence) for catchments smaller than 200 km2 in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region from Virginia to Maine.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) is a large shorebird with a bright orange bill used to capture oysters, mussels, and other marine invertebrates. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use saltmarshes, beaches, and other intertidal areas.This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United States to provide habitat for American Oystercatcher, during the breeding season, based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of [The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification](

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018

This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy's Northeast lakes and ponds classification.

Date posted: June 23, 2018