
Applying Ecosystem Service Modeling Tools to Aid Decision Making Under Climate Change webinar
May 15, 2014

Maps and economic values for ecosystem services - the value that nature provides to people and the economy - hold the promise of improving natural resource management and providing a better understanding the linkages between people and nature.

3DEP: National 3D Elevation Program webinar
May 13, 2014

The 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) initiative is being developed to respond to growing needs for high-quality topographic data and for a wide range of other three-dimensional representations of the Nation's natural and constructed features.

Landscape Design Process in the Playa Lakes Joint Venture Region webinar
May 13, 2014

Landscape Design has been described as the bridge between landscape ecology and conservation delivery. It recognizes the need for humans to live and work in the landscape and it seeks to understand the patterns and the underlying processes of those patterns.

Presentation Title Slide
May 8, 2014

Natalie Sexton with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service discusses the role of human dimensions in natural resource conservation.

Making Difficult Decisions webinar
April 2, 2014

This is a webinar for the Bird Alliance Education for Conservation hosted by the Sonoran Joint Venture and the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative.

Biodiversity As a Metric of Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change webinar
March 13, 2014

Shifting diversity patterns and species turnover are fundamental concerns about how climate change will influence desert ecosystems. Scientists, managers, and-policy makers are searching for metrics to assist in the prediction of ecosystem responses to climate change.

Using the USGS National Map Products and Services
March 11, 2014

As one of the cornerstones of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Program, The National Map is a collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation.

Presentation Title Slide
March 6, 2014

Melanie Murphy from the University of Wyoming discusses her research related to wetland hydroperiod and climate change. Wetland hydroperiod, the length of time water is available in wetlands, is particularly sensitive to changes in precipitation, temperature and timing due to climate variation.

Detecting and Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Birds and Their Habitats
February 28, 2014

Rapid ongoing climate change presents new challenges to natural resource managers. Effects are usually at large landscape scales and management actions must account for future uncertainty, often based solely on locally available data.

Preview Image of the January 2014 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
January 10, 2014

Ben Rashford (University of Wyoming), Anne Schrag (World Wildlife Fund) and Johann Walker (Ducks Unlimited, Inc.) provide an overview of grassland conversion risk in the plains and prairie pothole region.

How Will Increased Temperatures Affect Bird Communities? webinar
November 20, 2013

The capacity for evaporative heat dissipation has been largely overlooked in consideration of future species' distributions, but varies greatly across terrestrial vertebrate taxa and will have a critical influence on species persistence in many environments.

Preview Image of the November 2013 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
November 6, 2013

Rick Nelson provides a summary of the steering committee meeting, Jeff Stoner outlines a potential energy concept project and requests comments and feedback from the team. Larry Gigliotti discussed the human dimensions proposal topic alongside Megan Cross.

BLM's Rapid Ecological Assessments webinar
September 25, 2013

Currently, two REAs have been completed within the Deset LCC boundary (Sonoran and Mojave Basin and Range). REAs covering Madrean Archipelago and Chihuahuan Desert ecoregions were started in FY12.

Climate Change Scenario Planning webinar
September 12, 2013

Scenario Planning from Construction of Narratives to Evaluation of Options

Preview Image of the September 2013 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
September 4, 2013

Technical Committee webinar with special focus on prioritization of human dimensions/habitat loss projects, discussion on upcoming steering committee meeting, Web site development and online workspace/LCC communications.

Preview image of Gunnison-SRLCC-Small.pdf
August 15, 2013


The Nature Conservancy and hosted by the Southern Rockies LCC.


Presented on Thursday August 15th at 11:00 a.m. to noon (MT)

Preview Image of the May 2013 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
May 1, 2013

Kevin Doherty (FWS) discusses a project that a number of LCC's and JV's are collaborating on entitled "Development of an Automated Process to Identify Conservation Critical Land-use Change with High Resolution Satellite Imagery".

Presentation Title Slide
April 3, 2013

Lisa McCauley and Mike Anteau with U.S. Geological Survey discuss ongoing research on the interactions of consolidation drainage and climate on water-level dynamics, wetland productivity, and waterbirds.

March 20, 2013

Presented by the Conservation Biology Institute and hosted by the Southern Rockies LCC. This project is funded in part by the SRLCC.

Presentation Title Slide
March 6, 2013

Conserving and Restoring Fens and Other Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems in the Northern Prairies, presented by Phil Gerla, The Nature Conservancy

Preview Image of the February 2013 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
February 6, 2013

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to maintaining wildlife populations and overall biodiversity. Wildlife biologists need to be addressing this threat both in policy arenas as well as in on-the-ground management activities.

Preview Image of the January 2013 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
January 2, 2013

World Wildlife Fund's Anne Schrag presents a tool developed to assist with landscape level planning.

Preview image of 2012-12-13-renewable-energy.pdf
December 13, 2012

Dr. Jeff Lovich, USGS, Southwest Biological Science Center, will present a review of peer-reviewed published information on impacts from renewable energy development in the Desert Southwest on non-volant (non-flying) terrestrial and aquatic wildlife.

Preview Image of the December 2012 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
December 5, 2012

Building the Foundation for International Conservation Planning for the Prairie Pothole Ecosystem

Preview Image of the October 2012 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
October 4, 2012

Amy Symstad, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, discusses research funded through the National Climate Predictions and Projections Pilot project.

Preview Image of the webinar for the direction of the plains and praire potholes LCC
September 24, 2012

Tom Melius, Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Terry Steinwand, Director of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, co-chair the Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative.

Preview Image of the August 2012 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
August 1, 2012

Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Technical Committee members hear from Rick Sodja on a recently funded North Central Climate Science Center project that integrates climate and biological data into land management decision models to assess species and habitat vulnerab

Preview Image of the June 2012 Praire Plains Techinal Committee Webinar
June 16, 2012

Rex Johnson from the U.S. FIsh and Wildlife Service Habitat and Population Evaluation Team presents on conservation efficiency as a function of outcomes achieved and dollars expended.

Preview image for the webinar Steering Committee Perspective on the Cooperative
April 20, 2012

Tom Melius is Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Midwest Region and serves as the Steering Committee Co-Chair of the Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative.