Projects By Status: completed
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives use a collaborative approach to identify landscape scale conservation solutions. LCCs work across jurisdictional and political boundaries to work with partners to: meet unfilled conservation needs, develop decision support tools, share data and knowledge, and facilitate and foster partnerships.
As part of a shared science strategy, LCCs coordinate closely with the National Climate Change and Wildlife Center and the eight regional Climate Science Centers.
It has been recognized by the Appalachian LCC partnership that to develop and deliver landscape-level planning tools, it is essential to develop an Appalachian-wide map depicting where cave and karst habitats and resources occur across the landscape.
Future climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies will be dependent on the best available projections of how the regional climate will change and the impacts those changes will have on the region’s natural and cultural resources.
Provision of shade via riparian restoration is a well-established management adaptation strategy to mitigate against temperature increases in streams. Effective use of this strategy depends upon accurately identifying vulnerable, unforested riparian areas in priority coldwater stream habitats.
Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachian LCC used models that combined data on energy development trends and identified where these may intersect with important natural resource and ecosystem services to give a more comprehensive picture of what potential energy development coul
The Data Needs Assessment research project was undertaken to review the variety of resources on conservation planning to provide packages of products, data, and identified data gaps to improve conservation planning in the Appalachian LCC.
Given the rapid environmental change experienced and expected across the Appalachians, it will be crucial to understand the vulnerabilities of valued ecosystem services to drivers of large-scale change that may threaten their sustainability.
WGFD has a quantity of GPS-based animal movement data available for processing.
This workshop introduced and demonstrated key concepts and a series of software tools, whichallow managers, biologists, and conservationists to efficiently evaluate predictors of wildlife space-use and generate spatial models based on that analysis.
These protocols are intended to identify key questions to be addressed, preferred approaches to addressing these questions, and issues likely to be encountered by scientists studying impacts of wind energy development on sage-grouse.
Our 2010 statewide connectivity analysis identified broad-scale priority areas for connectivity conservation. More detailed, finer-scale analyses will give land managers the information they need to begin prioritizing and implementing conservation actions. The Columbia Plateau (Appendix A, Fig.
Over the last 75 years, Puerto Rico transformed from an agricultural economy to an
industrialized economy and now faces economic stagnation. These transitions have direct
implications for Puerto Rico’s environment, water resources, and the health of its population.
The 6 week project entails using acoustic monitoring technology to provide new information on native and endemic bats of Puerto Rico toward three specific objectives listed below. Dr. Vulinec will work with USFWS, USFS, PR-DNRE, and CLCC personnel to accomplish our shared goals.
Project Vision and Background
The Beaufort Sea coast in Arctic Alaska and neighboring northern Canada has recently experienced extreme and accelerated climate change, including a dramatic reduction in summer sea ice.
Historically, available polar bear den habitat models have been based primarily on the presence of topographic features capable of capturing drifting snow.
Hydrologic data for the Alaska Arctic are sparse, and fewer still are long-term (> 10 year) datasets. This lack of baseline information hinders our ability to assess long-term alterations in streamflow due to changing climate.
Maps created by Arctic LCC staff that depict the general boundaries of the Arctic LCC. Maps and boundaries are subject to review and should not be used within a legal context.
The Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ABSI LCC) is a self-directed partnership whose mission is to promote coordination, dissemination, and development of applied science to inform conservation of natural and cultural resources in the face of climate change and o
This project integrates projections from two climate downscaling approaches into a series of future climate scenarios that will be used to assess the vulnerability of resources and ecosystem services within the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands LCC.
The distribution and abundance of small, schooling forage fish (e.g., sandlance, capelin) in Alaska is known from small-scale directed studies, but mostly inferred from incidental catches in large-scale trawl surveys that were not designed (by gear or location) to sample forage species.
This project researched the expected variation in avian demographic responses to environmental change across a gradient of species and landscapes from the San Francisco Bay to the Central Valley of California.
The CA LCC assisted the San Francisco Bay Area National Wildlife Refuge Complex in its conservation planning efforts by researching and summarizing projections of climate change and potential impacts for the natural resources of the seven refuges within the Refuge Complex.
This project uses existing decision support tools (DST) in a scenario planning analysis for the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project (SBSPRP) as a case study that other bayland managers can reference for best practices for using these DSTs for adaptation planning.
In its first funded year this project created an online environment in which land managers and their technical support staff can quickly find the climate adaptation information they need and communicate with the researchers producing the data.
This project brought together natural resource managers, conservation coordinators and planners, and scientists working at multiple scales within the San Francisco Bay to develop a spatially-explicit decision framework that cuts across jurisdictional boundaries while accounting for uncertainties
The CA LCC's Data managers worked with the LCC National Office and the 22 LCCs of the Network to create a single national source for information to date on all projects funded by all 22 individual LCCs and the national office, and a tool for reviewing these projects, for purposes of national-leve
Project Goal The goal of this project is two-fold: 1) to increase the understanding of how meadow restoration impacts hydrology and 2) to inform management and investment decisions around using restoration as a tool to build resilience under climate change.
Most natural resource managers, planners and policy makers are now dependent upon spatially explicit environmental suitability and spatial allocation analyses to inform policy and management decisions.
This project used the NatureServe Climate Change Vulnerability Index tool to assess vulnerability of 140 bird species that breed in the Sierra Nevada and will develop a peer-reviewed Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Sierra Nevada bird species that are most vulnerable to climate change.
Iowa's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is a comprehensive strategy to maintain the health and diversity of wildlife within the state, including reducing the need for future listings under the Endangered Species Act.
Montana's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) is a comprehensive strategy to maintain the health and diversity of wildlife within the state, including reducing the need for future listings under the Endangered Species Act.
The mottled duck, a focal species for the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative, is one of only a few duck species adapted to breeding in southern marshes.
Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative partners are undertaking numerous efforts to conserve and restore coastal resources, many of which are sensitive to the effects of climate change.
The Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative needed seamless landcover data for the south-central United States.
Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative partners need new computer models to help address threats to grassland habitats, such as land conversion and habitat fragmentation, affecting LCC focal species such as the northern bobwhite and eastern meadowlark.
Climate, sea level rise, and urbanization are undergoing unprecedented levels of combined change and are expected to have large effects on natural resources — particularly along the Gulf of Mexico coastline (Gulf Coast).
This project provided systematic coastal habitat imagery and mapping for the Alaska Peninsula shoreline following the Alaska ShoreZone Mapping Protocol and made these products web-accessible. The completed mapping product is available on the ShoreZone website in a searchable dataset.
The Alaska Ocean Observing System, Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative (Western AK LCC), and the USGS Alaska Climate Science Center jointly conducted a Coastal Hazards Workshop May 30-31, 2012.
The coastal areas of the Yukon and Kuskokwim River Deltas (YKD) are among the most productive in Alaska. The fish, wildlife, and plant resources have been an integral part of communities in this region for thousands of years.